Tuesday, April 2, 2013

New Experiences and New Friends

Our first full day in Boston gave us some amazing experiences. Today I'll let two 'guest bloggers' tell the story. First up is Juliana:

Juliana: "Although it was only our first day out on the job I already felt really moved. Coming into this trip I felt like I was very distant with God and sorta in a way lost, but after meeting new people today especially a girl named Sam who talked about her story of being a recovering 6 month sober drug addict it has opened my eyes to God's grace more than she'll ever know. Seeing how much she just wanted to change her life made me really see the Holy Spirit working through her even if she hasn't realized it yet. She has changed me and has tied almost all the loose ends in my relationship with God through her experience. I can't wait to keep seeing how God will work through out this week."

Next up is Nick:

Nick: "Captain Nico here sharing some words about our Boston trip thus far! Besides the icy wonderland we slept in our first night (the room was a tad chilly), conditions with everything else such as weather, plans, and health are going surprisingly smooth! Our half day yesterday consisted of unpacking the luggage as various cats and dogs (rain, actually) poured down upon us, a Jamaican dinner including rice and chicken, and a powerful prayer tour that gave us all some insight on the beautiful city Christ has set out for us to be worked through for the good of His kingdom! The 5:45 wake up shot me out of my bed, but was soon ransomed by the most satisfying and rejuvenating shower of my existence. Can't exactly pinpoint it, but the YMCA showers filled a portion within my heart that was feeling cold and empty. Pretty much, that shower was something to remember. Moving on. (Editor's note: the shower situation that morning is a running inside joke among the members of the team which we'll be happy to share when we return.) We served in the kitchen at Boston Rescue Mission and then at Eagle's Nest, a godly learning center for young boys! The kitchen was soooo much fun because of the unity within our team, the awesome people we got to serve with, and the attitude Christ equipped us with. Jay, our kitchen leader, was a total bro to say the least. We loved the man. He showed us all that we needed to know and helped us with everything! And the Eagle's Nest after-school program was AWESOME! We worked with a few little guys that were truly a blessing to our team through their energy and gratitude towards us being there! We played Basketball (my team with my buddies Jamari and Jaquan totally won...), made arts and crafts, and helped the guys with their homework. It was truly amazing! And we get to go back a few more times! Through all of this, many of our team members were able to point out different prospectives on how The Spirit was at work in our group. It is so beautiful to see God's arrangement, and we don't even know the half of it! We all seem greatly excited to continue on with this mission God has for us, and we pray that He will center us, shape us, fill us, and use us on this trip! Thank you all for the prayers! WE NEED THEM. Alright, the ship is sinking, and so are your eyes as you realize the massive paragraph you just read and wonder why Nick DiFazio has so many unnecessary rants that don't lead anywhere. Pray for my mom, she lives with this... Captain N outttttt. See you on the shore young creations. Stay beautiful."

Rob: My thoughts exactly :)


  1. Sounds like our fellow CSMers are hard at work as well.
    Our prayers are with you as you serve.
    ~philly team

  2. Hi Boston team! You are all looking good and we are so thrilled to see and hear what great things God is doing in and through you! We are praying for you as you share His love with the people you meet. We love your updates! the Andersons
